Coolpo AI Huddle PANA become great partner of Dental Group

Dr Dwight Simpson, member of the American Dental Association, the California Dental Association, the International Association of Orthodontics, is one of our client for his dental group. Here is his impression about Coolpo:

Coolpo was a simple plug and play setup. Google Meets and Zoom both worked flawlessly, automatically detecting the camera with excellent video, sound and microphone pickup.

At Jackson Creek Dental Group, regular communication, direction and continuing education are critical to the management of the business and the cohesiveness of their staff. Although they continued to provide emergency dental services for their community, their weekly staff meeting in the dental office was disrupted due to COVID19. They began using Google Hangouts/Meets to communicate with the staff, but interaction was not ideal.

Simply adding a laptop and the Coolpo allowed them to communicate and interact with those present live and with those remote with effectiveness as if they were all together.

Being able to see the entire room and have Coolpo highlight the presenter, as well as see the audience was ideal.

As the COVID restrictions have eased, they continue to use Coolpo for those not able or are concerned about attending the meeting. It has also made third party product vendors and trainers able to effectively communicate and interact with our staff.

We will continue to use Coolpo to improve our meetings after the COVID has passed.

Dr Dwight Simpson

Dental Group