How to Host Zoom Webinar Successfully in Hybrid Workplace Set Up (2022): Everything You Need to Know

A Zoom webinar is an online meeting where people can log in from their computer or smart device to attend a presentation and have the ability to ask questions. You can use an AI conference camera to help you facilitate your next webinar.

Webinars are a great way for presenters to share information with a large group of people all at once. With webinars, the presenter has control over the presentation from their computer. The presenter can share information, display images or graphs, record the session, and even poll the audience to see if they have any questions.

Also, it is a great way for companies to get their message out there without spending a ton of money on marketing. If you��re thinking about using Zoom webinars for your business, we��ve got you covered.

In this blog post, we��ll teach you everything you need to know about how to use Zoom webinars effectively.

How to Host a Zoom Webinar

1. Pick a topic

Essentially, decide what topic you will share or discuss with your team or to your class. Popular topics include tips and tricks, behind-the-scenes information, product updates, or even customer testimonials.

2. Create an Event and Promote it on social media

Once you��ve figured out what your webinar will be about, the next step is to create an event on the Zoom platform so that people can sign up to attend. You can also use social media to promote your webinar and encourage people to sign up. You can create a Facebook event, or you can use Facebook��s live video to host your webinar and invite people to tune in.

3. Invite and Allow Participants to Join

Once your webinar starts, you as the presenter will have control over who is allowed to join and participate. You can invite specific people to attend, or you can allow anyone to join.

4. Get Everything Ready

The next step is to get everything ready before your webinar starts. Hosting a webinar is not as simple as just showing up and starting the conversation. You want to make sure that everything is organized, you have all the materials that you need, and you are ready to take questions as they come in.

5. Let People What They Can Expect Throughout the Webinar

You also want to make sure that your webinar has a clear call to action. The next step is to set expectations for your webinar. Let people know what they can expect, and let them know that they can ask questions during or at the end of the webinar. You will also want to let people know how long the webinar will last.

Why Should Your Business Use Zoom Webinars?

There are plenty of reasons why your business should be using Zoom webinars.

  • Hosting webinars is a great way to stay on top of mind with your customers.
  • It��s also a good way for you to build your brand and position yourself as an authority in your niche.
  •  Webinars are a great way to communicate and share information with your audience. You can use your webinar as a way to answer questions that your audience may have.
  •  You can also use your webinar as a way to collect feedback from your customers.
  • If you want to encourage your customers to provide feedback, you can ask them to click a link or send a special code during the webinar so that you know they are there. This is a great way to collect valuable information about your customers.
  • Hosting webinars is also a great way to build your email list. You can use your webinar to invite people to subscribe to your email list, which is a great way to stay top of mind with customers.

Tips When Hosting a Zoom Webinar

Now that you know what a webinar is and why your business should use them, the next step is to get ready to host your first webinar. Here are a few things to remember when hosting your webinar:

1. Practice your webinar

Practicing what you will share and discuss during your webinar through Zoom will create a big impact on you as a presenter and to your audience. It will make you confident in delivering lines and punches all throughout which in exchange, your audience will get a better grasp of what you are trying to say.

2. Make sure that you have all of the materials that you need

Being prepared all the time will make you and your event successful in any way. Make sure that all the things you need for your webinar are within your reach and sight such as cables, laptop, monitor, mouse, etc. In case of unprecedented happenings, make sure that you have things ready to grab or back up plans to execute to avoid interruptions.

3. Be ready for questions

For most webinars conducted or any events, there are usually question and answer portions at the end of the event. Make sure that you study your presentation and that you know it very well in order for you to answer all the questions that will be thrown at you by the participants.

4. Make sure to end on a call to action

Putting call to action at the end of every material like announcements, social media posts, marketing materials, and etc., makes a difference to those who have none. It allows your intended audience to do the action you wanted them to do such as joining or registering for the webinar, following your page, sharing your post. Effective marketing ads and materials always have a call to action at the end part of it.

5. Engage to Your Audience Once in a While

Through utilizing various features of Zoom such as raise hand, chat box, mute and unmute button, etc. will make your Zoom webinar more engaging and fun. Instruct participants to use those features during Q & A, games, and whatnot; this will give them energy and a mindset to focus.

6. Collect Feedback During or After the Webinar

Hearing feedback from your participants and making room for all of their suggestions and critical criticisms will improve you as a person and on how you handle Zoom webinars in the next events. Don��t be afraid to be criticized.

7. Analyze the Data from Your Webinar

The five types of reports feature of Zoom enable you to analyze all the data you��ve gathered from your webinar: Poll, Performance, Registrant, Attendee, and Q & A. Through these, it will help you plan your next Zoom webinar into a better and more fun one.


Here you go. You already set in your mind how to host a Zoom webinar, reasons why your business should use Zoom webinars, and tips when using Zoom webinar. The next time you plan to host one, make sure to read and use this reference to know everything you need on how to host a successful Zoom webinar in a hybrid work set up this 2022.

When presenting in a webinar, make sure you have an AI conference camera on hand for you to use. AI in meeting video cameras helps to improve audience experience and supports you in getting your message across! Book a demo with us now to learn more about how our gesture control camera can help you facilitate your next webinar.