How MNSPECT Uses Coolpo to Make Online Meetings with Customers More Effective

We purchased the Coolpo Al Huddle PANA camera to be our primary web meeting camera in our conference room so our clients can view all attendees sitting around the table." Ty told us.

Prior to MNSPECT's purchase of the Coolpo Al Huddle PANA camera, they would set up a lap top computer at the end of their conference room table, it's not easy to see or hear person sit far away from laptop, nor can they tell exactly who is speaking. Meetings are constantly disturbed by asking 'who is speaking?', 'Sorry, I cannot hear you.' Not only it's annoying, but also not professional for a conference meeting with their clients. Since the purchase of the Coolpo Al Huddle PANA camera, they now place the camera in the center of the table and their customers can see all of their staff members in attendance.

"The Coolpo Al Huddle PANA camera has provided the solution to better meeting experience for our customers. Our customers can clearly view the staff members as they contribute to topic at hand which provides an atmosphere meeting within the same room."

"We have received favorable feedback from our customers with comments that they enjoyed the meeting experience. The Coolpo Al Huddle PANA camera is easy to set up and use. Our staff has easily adapted to using it. Overall, we are pleased with the performance of the Coolpo Al Huddle PANA."

Ty Turnquist

Operations Director at MNSPECT