· 6 min read

Reduce Noise: Online Meetings via Video Conference Cameras

A video conference camera is one of the most popular communication tools available today. With the ability to virtually connect people from around the world, video conferencing offers an opportunity for businesses to collaborate and communicate with their employees, clients, and partners. The ability for your team to connect in real-time and participate in high-quality conversations is a crucial asset for any business to have. However, video conferencing is a double-edged sword. It brings people together and creates a sense of community, but it also brings noise into the conversation. 

Video conference camera makes it easy for people to have conversations where it’s easy to see each person’s facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. This is great, but it also makes it harder to keep conversations focused on what matters most. If you are the one providing the video conferencing service for your company, you’ve probably noticed that your clients have difficulty speaking clearly and waiting for others to respond. This can make it harder for them to follow the conversation and ask questions, which can lead to a lack of clarity and understanding in the conversation.

Here are some tips and strategies for keeping noise to a minimum during your video conference camera conversations.

1. Create a quiet room where everyone can hear themselves

It is important to have an environment that is quiet enough so you can clearly hear the other person without being distracted by noise. If you have an open office that’s filled with other people talking, you’ll have a hard time keeping the noise down. To avoid this, try to find a quiet room where you and your clients can concentrate on the video conference camera. If you can’t find a quiet room, use noise-canceling software or a headset when you’re in a meeting. This way, you won’t be distracted. Make sure that everyone in your video conferencing call has good enough audio to hear themselves. If the audio is too low or too high, people will have a hard time hearing each other. Make sure that you choose a good location for your video conference camera.

2. Use video conferencing software with split-screen

Split-screen functionality is built into many video conferencing platforms. It allows you to split your screen and join the conversation with the other person. This is helpful when people have a lot of things to discuss and it’s easier to see what you’re talking about on the other person’s computer. If you’re only using your phone and not, say, a 360-degree video conference camera, you won’t have this feature. Split-screen functionality is especially helpful when you’re collaborating with clients or other remote workers who have a different computer setup than you. It may also be helpful when you’re running a meeting with someone who needs to see what you’re seeing on their computer. This type of functionality is available in many video conferencing platforms. You can also use screen sharing to see what the other person is seeing on their computer.

3. Use a whiteboard to plan out important information

When collaborating on a large project, you may find that it becomes difficult to keep everyone focused on the same page. This can make it very difficult to make progress on the project. One easy way to help solve this problem is to use a whiteboard. 

Reduce Noise: Online Meetings via Video Conference Cameras

Whiteboards come in handy when you need to visually communicate complex information. When you’re collaborating with someone who’s working remotely, you can use the whiteboard to help determine who’s working on what and when. This saves you time and effort when it comes to tracking progress. You can also use a whiteboard to brainstorm new ideas and discuss new updates with clients and other business partners. A whiteboard is a low-tech way of brainstorming. However, it’s one of the best ways to keep conversations focused and organized. When you’re brainstorming, it’s easy to put ideas on the board and move them around. It’s also easy to erase and change them to fit better with the conversation.

4. Have everyone in the meeting ask questions for clarity

Asking questions is one of the best ways to keep the conversation focused and clarify any unclear information. This will help to avoid confusion and enhance the clarity of your discussions. You don’t have to be a high-level manager to ask questions during your video calls. All you have to do is ask the other person a question. It doesn’t matter what the question is, as long as it’s relevant and clarifies any confusion. This is especially useful for clients who may have a hard time following complex conversations. If you’re helping a client who’s new to a certain business process, asking questions during your video call will help them understand the process better. You can also use questions to prompt clarification on business terms and ideas that you may want to ensure are correct before you introduce them to your client.

5. Use an app or add-on to record your meetings for future reference

When you’re collaborating with clients or other business partners who live outside of your company, it’s easy to forget details or priorities. Recording your meetings is a good way to bring clarity to any confusing conversations or details that are hard to remember. There are many apps and add-ons available for different platforms where you can easily utilize your video conference camera. An app like this can come in handy when you’re collaborating with clients or business partners who live outside of your company. It can also come in handy when you have a lot of things to cover during your meeting and you have trouble remembering them all. Support this by using a conference room video camera that can help bring clarity to your conversations and prevent any confusion.

6. Keep all your video conference camera insight and easy to access

Keeping your video conference camera in sight and easy to access is another important tip to keep noise to a minimum while collaborating. This is especially important when you need to use your video conference camera during a meeting. If you have to walk to a separate room to use your computer, you’ll have a hard time keeping the noise down. When you’re setting up, make sure that you choose an area that’s easy to access. If you have limited space, you can also set up your equipment in an unused corner of your office. 

Coolpo AI Huddle Pana for 360 video conferencing

And for this kind of requirement, The Coolpo AI Huddle Pana is a great choice for you. It is a 360-degree video conference camera and is very easy to move and access when needed. Its AI-based features include:

  • Voice pickup of up to 15ft in any direction.
  • Dual positioning technology through sound and visuals
  • 360-degree panoramic view
  • All surround speaker
  • Portable and sleek design that fits into your conference room

Moreover, it has Beamforming technology in its four-microphone array system that also aids in noise reduction. It identifies the direction from where the voices are coming and delivers it to remote participants clearly.

Check out our AI Huddle Mini and AI Huddle Mini Lite for AI noise-reducing features!

7. Encourage your clients to take breaks during long conversations

If you’re the one providing the video conferencing service for your company, you’ve probably noticed that your clients have difficulty speaking clearly and waiting for others to respond. This can make it harder for them to follow the conversation and ask questions, which can lead to a lack of clarity and understanding in the conversation. There are a few things that you can do to help solve this problem. 

The first thing that you can do is encourage your clients to take short breaks during long conversations. This gives them a chance to collect their thoughts and refocus their attention. It also allows them to calm down and be more focused while they’re participating using the video conference camera.


Video conferencing is increasingly used as a way to connect with business partners, clients, employees, and anyone else you want to connect with. No matter what type of business you’re in, you can use your video conference camera to have an open discussion with others. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, video conferencing is a great way to keep your business connected with others. 

Having a noise-reducing video conference camera is a great way to stay connected with others and make it easier for them to follow the conversation. When you’re collaborating with clients and other business partners, it can be very helpful to use a whiteboard or split-screen functionality with a video conferencing service. This way, you won’t have to constantly repeat yourself and you can avoid confusion. And lastly, ensure you have the perfect technology like a 360-degree video conference camera that does most of the job for you! Hassle-free and noise-free online meetings are possible with the Coolpo AI Huddle Pana video conference camera.

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