· 6 min read

What Is Hybrid Work + The Best 4K Video Conference Camera

From traditional 9-5 or 8-5 in-office jobs, then switched to purely remote work/work from home, to now, the future of work—hybrid work setup, businesses have constantly been experimenting and adjusting to how employees should work for them to be productive, deliver results, and boost sales.

Following the pandemic, some companies plan to maintain a fully remote work arrangement, whereas others like Microsoft and Reddit are opting for a hybrid work approach, which grants employees more flexibility and choice in deciding where they want to work from.

In this article, you will know everything about hybrid work set up, from its definition down to its benefits and you will know what’s the best video conference camera that suits you.

What Is Hybrid Work Setup?

According to Microsoft Teams, hybrid work is a modern work arrangement that combines traditional on-site office work with remote work done outside of the office, such as from home or a coffee shop. 

This allows employees to have greater autonomy over their work environment and schedule, as they can choose to work from wherever they feel most productive and comfortable.

For example, businesses can set their hybrid work policies where everyone should be in the office three times per week and then they can work from home or remotely for the rest of the days.

By giving employees the freedom to work in a way that suits them best, they may be more motivated and engaged in their work, leading to higher quality work output and job satisfaction. 

If you want to reserve your seats, maybe your company has a tool or should have a tool for this to avoid crowded workers in one office space.

Related: The Best Meeting Room Camera For Home And Physical Spaces 2023

Different Types Of Hybrid Work Models

Some of the advantages of hybrid work are its adaptability and flexibility, as it provides organizations and employees the freedom to choose the most appropriate model to meet their unique business and personal needs.

Here are the different types that businesses follow today:


In the hybrid work model, employees are free to choose where they will do their tasks and deliverables - either in the office, in their homes, or anywhere like a coffee shop or library.

There’s no required number of days to be spent in the office. This will give them work-life balance and autonomy.


The fixed hybrid work model is a structured method of implementing hybrid work. In this model, the organization determines the hybrid employees' in-person and remote schedules. The schedules are typically consistent from week to week and may favor either in-person or remote work. 

While this model's predictability can facilitate communication with colleagues, some individuals may find it too inflexible.

Office first

With an office-first approach, priority is given to on-site work over remote work. As a result, employees following this approach spend the majority of their working hours in the office and work remotely only on certain days. 

This model is typically preferred by teams that need to work together in person regularly.

For example, you’re required to go to the office on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday while you can work from home on Tuesday and Friday.

Related: Hybrid Work: When’s The Perfect Day To Go In The Office 2023

Remote first

In the remote-first model, remote work takes priority over in-person work. Under this model, in-person work is usually limited to just a few days per week or month. Although this model has the potential to save costs by reducing office space, it offers the least amount of in-person interaction with coworkers.

Hybrid Work Setup Benefits

Hybrid work has multiple benefits that make it unlikely to disappear anytime soon:

Work-life Balance

With hybrid work, people can now live closer to family or move to the city they've always wanted to reside in without compromising their professional goals.

  • Reduced need to commute frequently
  • More flexibility to schedule personal appointments, including those for medical visits and childcare
  • The ability to relocate to a different location

Competitive Edge

Employers who value and adapt to evolving worker expectations by offering hybrid and remote work options will be able to attract and retain the best talent. 

These policies also enable recruiters to expand their candidate search beyond geographical constraints, leading to better hiring outcomes for the organization.

Cost Savings

Hybrid work can cut costs for organizations by reducing permanent desks and building space, leading to significant savings in rent and maintenance, particularly in expensive markets.

Differences Between Remote And Hybrid Work Setups

Remote Work:

  • Workers are fully remote, with home or another off-site location as their workspace.
  • Communication occurs mostly through digital tools like video conferencing and chat.
  • Colleagues interact very little or not at all in person.
  • The company may provide equipment and resources such as laptops and internet allowances.

Hybrid Work:

  • Workers follow a predetermined schedule and work both in the office and remotely.
  • Communication happens both in person and through digital channels.
  • There is more possibility for in-person collaboration with colleagues, though it may be restricted.
  • The company may offer office and remote workspaces, as well as equipment.

The Best 4K Video Conference Camera For Any Hybrid Work Model

Whatever hybrid work model you implement in your business, having a good and quality video conference camera such as a Coolpo conference camera for teams - the Pana, Mini, and Mini Lite - will surely make your communication smooth and your business thrive more.

The Pana, a 360 conference camera offers 4k video conference solutions that will give you high-quality video. It also has 4 smart microphones with up to 15ft pick up and an all-surround speaker.

Meanwhile, the Mini is a Gesture Control video conference camera that caters to up to 7 meeting participants with individual frames because of its Frame Master and Division Master features. For its audio, it has Beamforming Technology, Echo Cancellation, and Background Noise Reduction.

Moreover, the Mini Lite is the newest addition to our products. It is a compact video conference camera that you can use anywhere and wherever you are. It has a real-time auto-tracking feature and single and multi-person framing.

Act Fast! Get Your Own Coolpo Video Conference Camera Now on Our Website Before It's Too Late!


In conclusion, businesses have been adapting to different work setups, from traditional office work to fully remote work and now to hybrid work. Hybrid work combines in-office work with remote work, providing greater autonomy and flexibility for employees. 

Different types of hybrid work models exist, including flexible, fixed, office-first, and remote-first. Hybrid work offers benefits such as work-life balance, cost savings, and a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent.

The main differences between remote and hybrid work setups are the workspace location, communication methods, and in-person interaction with colleagues.

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