Common Problems People Associate Video Conferencing

Don’t know how to use a video conferencing camera during your remote meeting?

If your answer to the question above is yes, you’re certainly not alone, buddy! Problems before and during video conferencing may occur and if you don’t have the ability to figure it out, you’re probably lost and angry.

Related: Tips for Successful Video Conference Through 360 Conference Camera

This article outlines common problems people associate with video collaboration so you can avoid them if you’re thinking about implementing a video collaboration system or know someone who is. Plus, we’ve got a recommendation for you, an all-in-one and easy-to-set-up video conferencing camera from Coolpo

Video Conferencing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Video collaboration has become a popular tool for businesses, schools, and other organizations. It offers many practical benefits. For example, it can significantly reduce the need to travel, which saves money and time while reducing environmental impact.

Read our article on How Remote Meetings Contribute to Achieve Better Air Quality in the US

Unfortunately, video collaboration also has a reputation for being frustrating and annoying. Many people have had experiences that ranged from mildly annoying to downright infuriating! Because of this, many people are wary of trying video collaboration again or are hesitant to recommend it to others.

Check out our All-In-One Video Conferencing Equipment on our website. It’s Easy to Set Up

6 Common Problems People Experience When Video Conferencing

Here are the common problems you might encounter when you do video conferencing with your team members or clients:

1. People are in the wrong room or on the wrong call.

Many organizations use the same virtual room for multiple people and different types of meetings. This often leads to confusion where participants aren’t sure if they’re supposed to be in a particular room or on a particular call.

This can make joining a meeting very awkward and can be frustrating if you’re not sure if you’re supposed to be there. For example, you might be on a call with your team but are unsure if you should be in the room with your team or in a separate room with a client. This confusion can slow down your productivity and make you unproductive.

2. The video is of low quality. 

Poor video quality is often due to poor internet or the wrong equipment or software. If the video quality is too low, it can be very distracting and make it difficult to communicate effectively.

You can usually notice low video quality before the meeting starts because it takes some time for everyone to connect. The video feed will look pixelated or blurry, and there will be delays in sound and video.

If you’re on a video call, you can usually tell by the image quality. If it looks pixelated or blurry, or the sound is delayed, the video feed is probably of low quality. If you’re in a meeting room and the image quality is poor, you may notice that the image is too dark or bright. You may also notice a delay in the feed.

3. People speak over each other and it’s hard to follow the conversation.

This is often due to poor audio quality, a large group of people, or a high noise level in the environment. If people are speaking over each other, you may want to adjust your microphone settings or move to a quieter space.

If there is a lot of background noise, you may want to move to a quieter space or schedule a different time when there is less noise. If your team members are talking over each other, you may want to encourage them to speak up, shift to different seats or use a process like STOMP to help the conversation flow more naturally. 

4. Video is delayed, which can be frustrating when collaborating.

Delayed video is commonly due to a poor internet connection (or a slow computer) and can be very frustrating. You can often tell if there is a delay if you try to move the camera, but your partner doesn’t seem to be moving at the same time.

Delays can also be caused by too many people in the meeting. You may want to consider rescheduling if you have too many participants. Delays can be minimized by making sure you have a strong internet connection and using the minimum software required to run the meeting.

5. The recording is only available for certain meetings.

If you need to record certain meetings and it’s not available, you may want to select a different video collaboration tool or select a different meeting room. There are many different video collaboration tools and features. If you select a video collaboration tool and it doesn’t have the features you need or you can’t find a recording feature, it may not be a good fit for your organization.

6. The system is overly complicated and requires a lot of work to use well.

If you don’t set up your meeting correctly, it can be very annoying and frustrating. If a meeting is set up incorrectly, it can be very difficult to find and join the meeting.

It can also make the meeting more difficult to use, which can make it frustrating to use. If you’re hosting a meeting, you may want to make a checklist of things to confirm before you start the meeting. This will help you avoid missing any critical steps.

Purchase the Plug-and-Play Video Conferencing Camera on our website

Coolpo’s All-In-One and Easy-to-Set-up Video Conference Camera: Your Video Conferencing Solution

Coolpo’s all-in-one and easy-to-set-up video conferencing cameras – AI Huddle Series (the Pana and Mini) and Mini Lite are designed for all types of businesses.

It is a Plug-and-Play video conference solution as you only need to plug it into your laptop/computer. No need for additional drivers.

Coolpo’s conference cameras for teams are risk-free. As it is not connected to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, there is a zero chance that you will experience wireless vulnerabilities. Your meetings are safe with us.

Moreover, these cameras are considered the best video conferencing cameras in the market as it is user-friendly. Everyone can use and configure it easily anytime.


Video collaboration is a great tool for business, education, or any other organization or team that regularly needs to collaborate. People can work together in real-time from any location for virtually any amount of time. It also greatly reduces the need for expensive travel. If you’re thinking about implementing video collaboration, it’s important to look for a tool that will work well for your organization. You can consider the common challenges listed above to help you assess potential solutions and find a tool that will be a good fit for your team or organization.

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