‍The Future of EdTech: What to Expect from Technology in the Upcoming Years

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New technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and augmented reality, have the potential to transform how we learn. In fact, these are exciting times for the education technology industry. 

The adoption of digital learning solutions is continuing to grow in many different sectors. This is especially true among primary and secondary schools where the need to equip learners with the knowledge and skills they will need to thrive in the future is becoming increasingly apparent. 

Check out our previous article on Collaborating Tools to Avoid the Risk of Data Loss

This blog will tell you more about affordable and accessible tools that are helping to make a difference in education, but what else can we expect from ed tech over the coming years? Read on to find out...

EdTech and 360 Conference Camera

Fortunately, you can use the 360-degree conference camera in your classroom! When we talk about ed tech, what exactly do we mean? 

Ed-tech is often defined as the use of technology in education. It is a broad term that covers a range of different applications and products, but it is perhaps most commonly associated with online learning platforms, online tutoring tools, and learning management systems. 

Essentially, it refers to any technology that is used in the teaching and learning process. The reasons for adopting such technologies might vary widely. Some of the most common benefits include increasing access to learning resources, providing alternative ways to engage with content, and allowing for more collaborative group work.

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AI In Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of computer programming that enables computers to complete tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual recognition and language understanding. It is also used to automate certain tasks that humans often find repetitive or tedious, such as data analysis and customer service requests. AI has been used in education for a long time, such as in the use of the ‘learn-by-doing’ approach to programming. This was used in the 1950s and 1960s when computers were first introduced into schools. AI has also been used to create certain types of games and puzzles, where the player has to figure out the correct sequence of moves to solve the puzzle. AI is currently becoming more popular in education, though. It has a wide range of potential uses, ranging from helping students master new skills and knowledge to supporting teachers in their teaching practices.

Virtual Reality in Education

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation that allows people to experience and interact with a virtual world. VR exists as a computer-generated simulation that can be seen and heard through a headset or goggles. It has many potential applications, and the education sector is not immune to these advancements. In fact, the ability of VR to help students gain a deeper understanding of concepts and engage in experiential learning has made it a popular choice for teachers and educators. VR is often used in the classroom to help students visualize complex subjects, such as biology and chemistry, while also providing a fun and engaging way to learn. Various VR systems and software are available, including Google Expeditions, VR headsets, and VR software. VR has the potential to transform education by allowing learners to engage in 3D virtual environments and explore places and sights that otherwise would not be possible.

Cloud Technology in Education

Cloud technology refers to a service model in which a company hosts its software and data in data centers and then makes them accessible to customers via the internet. Cloud computing can be used for a wide range of applications, including online storage and e-learning platforms. Teachers and students have been benefiting from cloud-based technologies for some time, but the general public is now increasingly turning to the cloud for their various needs. 

With the advent of 5G networks and the rollout of fiber optic internet, cloud technology is expected to receive a significant boost in the years to come. This will enable cloud services to be more easily accessible by users, as well as more reliable and efficient. Cloud services are also becoming more tailored to specific fields and industries, making them even more appealing to users. Cloud technology has the potential to transform education by enabling students and teachers to access learning resources and tools from anywhere and at any time.

Augmented Reality in Education

Augmented reality (AR) is a type of computer-generated simulation that combines computer graphics, sounds, images, and other sensory elements with the real-world environment. Augmented reality is a technology that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It has a wide range of potential applications, including education. AR has the potential to transform education by allowing students to experience content in a more immersive and engaging way. Augmented reality systems can be used to enhance or enrich learning, or they can be used as a tool to help students visualize complex subjects, such as biology and chemistry. AR has various applications, such as AR apps and AR headsets. It is expected that AR technology will become more popular in the coming years due to its potential to engage learners and provide an alternative to traditional learning methods.


New technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and augmented reality, have the potential to transform how we learn. These are exciting times for the education technology industry, and it is expected that the adoption of digital learning solutions will continue to grow in many different sectors. This is especially true among primary and secondary schools, where the need to equip learners with the knowledge and skills they will need to thrive in the future is increasingly apparent. VR, for example, can be used to help students visualize complex subjects, such as biology and chemistry, in a more immersive and engaging way. And cloud technology can enable students and teachers to access learning resources and tools from anywhere and at any time.