Video Conferencing Trends and its Benefits to Remote Work Set-up

With the world suffering from global inflation where all the prices of goods are gradually increasing day by day, working from home seems to be perfect. Remote work is a solution for all working moms, dads, millennials, and Gen Z’s since it is more convenient and it saves you from a lot of hustle and money for gas and fare.

According to Monitask, what Gen Z loves about remote working is the idea of virtual collaboration and virtual conferencing. Remote Working and coworking spaces became a way of life for them as they can travel as much as they want while working with their team members. And as a business owner, you need to step up your game for this.

Check out our previous post about 5 Effective Sales Strategies Suitable for Remote, Hybrid, and On-site Workplace

In this blog post, you’ll explore trends in video conferencing as a way for remote collaboration and what they mean for your business moving forward.


Video Conferencing as a Vital tool for the Success of Virtual Teams

Video conferencing tools allow employees to connect from across the world and across time zones. However, as a business owner, you should ensure first that your team members have the right tools to be successful.

Fortunately, there are now many cloud-based software and platforms that you can use such as Zoom and Cisco Spark. Along with these are video conferencing cameras that are user-friendly, accessible, and easy to set up like the Pana and the Mini.


Join your meeting with All-In-One Video Conferencing Equipment - Coolpo AI Huddle Cameras

The Pana and the Mini are compatible with most of the mainstream video conferencing software such as Zoom and Teams. This all-in-one video conferencing equipment will make your video conferencing experience more reliable, interactive, and innovative.

Benefits of Video Conferencing for you as a Remote Employee

Businesses increasingly realize that virtual teams can be highly effective. Remote employees have many benefits for organizations.

·         You can be more productive.

·         You can have more autonomy.

·         You can save money.

·         Allows you to effectively communicate with your colleagues.

·         Allows you to build strong relationships with your team members.


Things you can do for your business using Video Conferencing

Here are the things that can help your business be more successful and productive using video conferencing:

Live Streamed Events and Conferences

Live video conferencing has exploded in the last few years. Businesses like yours can make a lot of money by streaming events and conferences.

·         Live video conferencing allows team members and other people to connect with audiences in real time.

·         It is a great way to get exposure.

·         It allows organizations and businesses to broadcast conferences and events around the world. It will certainly reach a wider audience.

·         Allows participants to engage with others and with the speakers in real time.

Voice-Based Communication

Voiced-based communication is booming as more people start to use voice assistants and use them as a backbone of their communication strategy. Smartphones and digital assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Siri are changing the way we communicate.

Voiced-based communication can be used in making calls, sending messages, and scheduling meetings.

Mixed Reality / Augmented Reality Meeting Rooms

If you’re looking for more immersive meetings, virtual and augmented reality are perfect for you. This has given businesses the chance to have genuinely immersive encounters.

Mixed Reality/ Augmented Reality Meeting Rooms are great for training sessions, sales meetings, and more.

 You can do all these things if you have your collaboration tools.


Own your Best Video Conferencing Camera Now – Coolpo AI Huddle Series

With Coolpo AI Huddle Series – the Pana and the Mini – you can have a seamless and interactive video conferencing experience with your team members across the globe. Also, you can achieve having live streamed events and conferences, voice-based communication, and mixed reality / augmented reality meeting rooms.



Video conferencing has evolved into something beyond what anyone could’ve predicted. It’s changed significantly in the last few years. It’s become more accessible and immersive. Organizations can now choose from a myriad of tools designed for different purposes. There’s no doubt that video conferencing is here to stay. And it’s only getting better.