· 3 min read

Elevate Your Communication with Cutting-Edge Speakerphone Technology: An Inside Look at Our Latest Innovation

In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is more important than ever, whether it's for group collaboration or individual use. Over the past two years, we've been at the forefront of promoting our video conferencing solutions across different continents. Through this experience, we've identified a pressing need for devices that offer superior audio quality and noise cancellation capabilities. That's why we've invested time and resources into studying advanced algorithms for noise cancellation, ultimately leading to the development of two groundbreaking devices. 

Introducing Our Latest Innovations: Headset and Speakerphone with Noise Cancellation

Our first device, showcased in our recent webinar, is a headset equipped with advanced noise cancellation technology. This headset features a microphone designed to block nearly every noise around you, allowing you to make calls even in noisy environments like clubs and claim that you're in the office. 

The second device is our cutting-edge speakerphone, designed to offer world-first noise cancellation on the other end of the conversation. This means that during a call with your client, supplier, or colleague, if unexpected background noise occurs, you can simply click one button to cancel the noise from their end. We believe we are the first in the world to offer this feature, thanks to the algorithms we've been studying for the past two years.

The Science Behind Our Noise Cancellation Technology

Our journey began in 2022 when we started studying various algorithms for noise cancellation. Over time, we've made significant improvements, reaching several milestones this year. One key metric we focus on is the distortion rate, which ensures that human voices sound natural and clear, not distorted or robotic. 

Another important factor is the computational power needed for our AI-based noise cancellation. We've been continuously improving the performance while reducing the computational power required, making our devices more efficient and user-friendly.

Understanding Different Types of Background Noise

To develop our noise cancellation technology, we studied various sources of background noise, categorizing them into additive noise and non-additive noise. Additive noise includes clear human voices with background noise, while non-additive noise includes unexpected sounds like babies crying or dogs barking. 

To address these challenges, we've developed an AI-based network that can predict future noise sequences in your environment and cancel background noise in advance, ensuring a distraction-free communication experience.

Introducing DPR: Our Advanced Noise Cancellation Network

Our proprietary network, called DPR, is a game-changer in the industry. While traditional approaches focused on developing filters for canceling stationary noise, like fans or grinders, DPR takes it a step further by using time prediction and AI algorithms to cancel various types of noise.

Experience the Difference with Our Speakerphone Demo

During our demo, we showcased the capabilities of our speakerphone by connecting it to a mobile phone and playing audio tracks recorded in different environments, such as a restaurant and a noisy street. With a simple click of a button, you can activate our Meeting Flex AI to cancel out the background noise, ensuring crystal-clear audio for both you and the person on the other end of the call.

Key Features of Our Speakerphone

  • Advanced Noise Cancellation: Our speakerphone features advanced beamforming microphones and AI-powered noise cancellation, ensuring crystal-clear audio in any environment.
  • Universal Compatibility: Compatible with various platforms and devices, including Mac, iPhone, iPad, Windows PC, and Android devices.
  • Convenient Controls: Easy-to-access buttons for volume control, mute, and AI activation, making it user-friendly and efficient.
  • Long Battery Life: With a 2500mAh battery, our speakerphone offers up to 16 hours of call time, even with AI noise cancellation activated.

Don't let background noise hinder your communication. Invest in our cutting-edge speakerphone today and experience the difference it can make in your hybrid meetings and virtual collaborations.