How to Make the Most of BYOC and Video Conference Camera

The ability to communicate and collaborate quickly, efficiently, and accurately can make all the difference in success in various business endeavors.

The “Bring Your Own” concept in technology has revolutionized how organizations communicate and collaborate within their teams. The concept allows organizations to tailor their communication stack to their needs and preferences, allowing for greater flexibility and efficiency. 

According to Dstny Automate Head of Partner Innovation, Mark Herbert, “Clients of businesses are more and more conscious of the flexibility and advantages they can obtain from isolating core call control platforms (PBX or UCaaS) from the carrier supplying minutes and numbers. This strategy offers benefits for both the operator and the customer by removing blocks to business where existing arrangements are in place; the customer can maintain the supplier of one aspect of the solution and employ the services of a new provider for the other part”

This article will provide you with a basic overview of what you need to know about the Bring Your Own Carrier trend.

What you need to know about Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC)

BYOC is a type of technology that allows users to bring their own devices and network connections to a collaboration session. This is somehow similar to Bring Your Own Device meetings (BYOD) where users can use their own devices (like laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) to connect to the video conference system and join the video conference.

Also, Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) is a term used to describe the ability to use a mobile device or device that has been purchased from a different carrier than the one it was originally intended for. This means that you can purchase a device from one carrier and use it on another, potentially saving money in the process. It's important to understand the pros and cons of BYOC before you decide to take the plunge. 

Benefits of Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC)

With Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) technology, organizations can enjoy greater freedom when deciding which telephony provider to integrate into their digital contact centers, video conference, or unified communication environment. 

Companies can rely on the reliable and dependable services that telecommunication vendors provide thanks to BYOC. 

Here are the benefits of Bring Your Own Carrier that might be helpful for you:

  • BYOC eliminates the need for users to use the same type of device for joining a video conference.
  • BYOC eliminates the need for users to use a particular network connection. This means that users can join a video conference from anywhere in the world, as long as they have access to a reliable internet connection.
  • BYOC is more secure than other types of technology. Since users are only using their own devices and networks to join the video conference, there is less chance of any security risks. 
  • Customers can access and utilize helpful portals to manage their carriers and phone systems with ease.
  • Customers have access to dependable communication services in different parts of the world.

How Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) Works

When utilizing BYOC solutions, users can enjoy the most recent developments and capabilities of the communication platforms they are fond of, while still having access to their preferred telephone networks.

BYOC solutions grant users more mobility and flexibility when it comes to their communication stack. It allows them to create a more sustainable, customizable framework tailored to their specific requirements. This system offers businesses the chance to access diverse features and communication services anywhere in the world, thereby alleviating many problems associated with switching to the cloud. 

Furthermore, service providers and communication vendors can leverage BYOC to draw in more users and provide them with voice services on their platforms.

The Advantages of Using BYOC for Video Conference Cameras

BYOC has several advantages when it comes to using a video conference camera:

  •  It makes it easier for users to join video conferences. 

Since BYOC allows users to use their own devices and networks, they don’t have to worry about compatibility issues or any other technical issues. This makes it easier for users to join video conferences, regardless of location.

  • BYOC also makes it easier for users to share data during a video conference. 

Since users are only using their own devices and networks, there is less risk of data being shared with third parties or security risks. This makes it easier for users to securely share data during a video conference.

  • BYOC also makes it easier for users to manage their video conference camera. 

Since users are using their own devices and networks, they can easily adjust the settings of their video conference camera to ensure that the video quality is as high as possible. This makes it easier for users to get the best video quality during a video conference.

Tips for Making the Most of BYOC for Video Conference Camera

If you want to make the most of BYOC for your video conference camera, there are a few tips that you should keep in mind:

  •  Make sure that your device is up to date. 

Updating your device regularly will ensure that it is compatible with the video conference software and will help to ensure that the video quality is as high as possible.

  • Make sure that you have a reliable internet connection. 

A reliable internet connection will ensure that you can join a video conference without any issues and will help to ensure that the video quality is as high as possible.

  • Make sure that your device is secure

You should make sure that your device has the latest security updates installed and that you are using a secure password. This will help to ensure that your data is secure and will help to prevent any security risks.

  • Make sure that your device is optimized for video conference. 

This means that you should make sure that your device has the latest video conference software installed and that your device is configured correctly. This will help to ensure that the video quality is as high as possible during a video conference.

Coolpo All-In-One Video Conference Equipment and BYOC

The Coolpo video conference cameras - The Pana, The Mini, and Mini Lite are perfect when you implement video conference in your business. It is easy to set up and secured to use when partnered with your own carrier.

The Coolpo AI Huddle Pana, a 360-degree conference camera is an all-in-one video conference equipment. You can use it as your microphone, speaker, and camera all at once.

This is a Plug-and-Play video conference camera for teams which means you and your team members can use and navigate it easily. You just need to plug it directly into your laptop/computer.

What’s more, Pana is convenient for you to use with Microsoft Teams. Moreover, it is compatible with almost all of the video conference platforms in the market such as Zoom, Hangouts, etc.

You can configure, enhance, and update your Coolpo device by downloading Coolpo Tools:

Different Use Cases of the Coolpo Tools software 2023

If you think our Video Conference Cameras are compatible with your own provider, purchase at our store now for 20% off

What to Look for in a BYOC Provider

When looking for a BYOC provider, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:

  1.  You should make sure that the provider is reliable and the provider has a good reputation and that they offer good customer service.
  2. You should also make sure that the provider offers good security - secured connections and the latest security measures. 
  3. You should also make sure that the provider offers good customer support that is available to answer any questions that you may have and that they are willing to help you with any issues that you may encounter.
  4. You should also make sure that the provider offers good value for money, competitive prices, and good quality services. 


BYOC is a great way to make the most of your collaboration tools and by extension, your video conference camera. BYOC eliminates the need for users to use the same type of network for joining a video conference, makes it easier for users to join video conferences from anywhere in the world, and makes it easier for users to securely share data during a video conference. 

To make the most of BYOC for your video conference camera, make sure that your device is up to date, that you have a reliable internet connection, that your device is secure, and that your device is optimized for video conference. 

When looking for a BYOC provider, make sure that the provider is reliable, offers good security, offers good customer support, and offers good value for money. With these tips, you’ll be sure to make the most of BYOC for your Coolpo video conference camera.


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